I'm also moving my Reiki studio across the hall from where I am currently in order to accomodate Reiki classes in the spring. Another transition, but what I hope will be a good one.
My husband also accepted a position with Trek Bicycles in Waterloo, WI so we're looking at moving in the New Year. I'm excited, but apprehensive . . . into the great unknown as it were leaving behind the comfort of knowing what you do have.
Some of you may also be experiencing a great shift of energy all leading up to the Winter Solstice and 12-21-2012. This shift may be leaving you feeling discombobulated, out of sorts, unable to make decisions and just generally not yourselves. I myself believe it to be a great transition for humankind . . . going from the "me" aspect of ourselves to the "how can I be of service to you" aspect. An aspect I've been working with since opening my Reiki practice almost two years ago.
My spirituality is shifting and I no longer see myself as fitting into just one "religion" or way of being. I feel like a lump of clay that is being molded this way and that and not knowing what I will turn out to be once I come off the wheel. This I do know for sure . . . things are changing and while it may seem scary at first, if you dig deeper you will find aspects of yourself that you didn't know existed. You will find "YOU" and in the end I think that's all we're really searching for. To know ourselves better, to connect with ourselves and to trust that we know what is right and true . . . and that is something worth seeking and holding out for.
I leave you today with two books for your consideration, one being "Live Your Divinity" by Adamus Saint Germain, as channeled by Jeffrey and Linda Hoppe, and "The Magical Way" by Marc Allen. Both interesting and inspiring.
My wish is for you all to have a happy holiday season, no matter how you celebrate, and that you go into the New Year, not with resolutions, but with a resolve to get to know yourselves better . . . seek inside . . . and you will find what you've been searching for.