Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Homage to the Sun

The Morning Sun

The Sun rose bright this morning
Making its ascent into a clear blue sky
Rising up through the trees
Casting its glow making everything shine
It doesn't require a switch or a clap
It comes of its own accord
Casting light into dark places
Waking us from our slumber
To begin a new day
Full of possibility and hope
Traveling across the sky
It brings light, life and warmth
And at the end of the day it falls behind
The curve of the Earth
Making its way 'round
Sure to rise again

~ Teresa Martens ~

I started walking my dogs in the mornings again after a long hiatus (ie I've been very lazy . . . sigh). I took the camera along this morning because yesterday the sun was so beautiful shining through the trees. I was a little later this morning so I didn't catch the spectacular rays through the trees, but I got some gorgeous pictures nonetheless.

There was also a crane sitting on a bird house by the small pond in the park . . . gorgeous!

And you can tell that autumn is not far off . . . the berries are turning red.

I hope you enjoyed walking with me this morning and I hope that the sun is shining for you today!

By the way I searched for a poem online this morning but every poem about the sun I could find had birds burning their wings and people being burnt . . . wanting something a tad more optimistic I wrote my own . . . sometimes you just gotta go your own way!


1 comment:

  1. This poem is wonderful. You did a great job writting it and I personally loved it. The imagery throughout the poem was lovely as were the photos.
