Thursday, July 5, 2012

A new beginning . . .

Hello, Merry Meet, and Welcome to my blog. I'm going to start off by telling you a story and how I came upon the name for this new blog of mine . . .

Ever since I can remember I have had a 'thing' about my neck. I don't like my neck being touched (which makes it very difficult for the chiropracter to do adjustments on me), and I don't like anything around my neck such as chokers, turtlenecks or scarves. Believe me, I've tried. Have you seen those beautiful scarves they make now-a-days?

Anyway, the other day I had an appointment with a lovely lady by the name of Sonya Thies who does Spiritual Response Therapy. SRT is a powerful healing method that works on a soul level to release negative programming. Programming can be positive or negative, but with SRT only negative programming is released. Releasing subconscious programs allows the soul to move into its fullest expression of joy and prosperity.

One of the 'issues' I brought to Sonya's attention was the issue surrounding my neck. So, during the session, we looked at what could be causing me this discomfort. Let me digress for a bit . . . I've joked around for some time now that I must have been hung in a previous life for being a witch or a thief or something. Well, what came up during the session validated what I had felt intuitively. Apparently, in a past life I had been a Student Priestess and I was a gifted healer. Unfortunately, I had a friend (a fellow Student Priestess) who did not appreciate my gift, was jealous and started spreading lies and rumors about me. And so, because of my gifts, 'I was hung'. Feelings (and the energy of those feelings) of betrayal and injustice, among others, followed me throughout my lives and into this one. Fortunately, during the session these energies were cleared.

Knowing this information has been illuminating. I understand how all the negative energies I have accumulated over my lifetimes has culminated in the blocks I experience in this lifetime. There is still work to do and there probably always will be. But that's part of the 'life' process, isn't it . . .

For some time I've been feeling a shift in my paradigm. My spirituality has and is growing exponentially. I feel like I can't contain all that is within me and at times I find it even hard to express what it is that's happening. I experienced a great shift in Sedona just a few short weeks ago. So much is happening and coming into my life that I can hardly grasp it all. Books, movies, people and experiences are coming into my life, bringing new information and inspiration. Sometimes I want to hide away from it all, it's all so much, but I've come too far to go back now. So I'll keep moving forward . . . one step at a time.

So this new blog reflects the changes that are occuring within me. I hope you'll walk along with me as I follow where I'm led on this road called life . . . up, down and everywhere inbetween.



  1. such a moving story. I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. interesting, it makes think maybe I should take a closer look at at the majority of my past lives I've remembered.
